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Guide for the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace

Chris Dottie MBE, Managing Director, Hays Spain

Guide for the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace

Pride Day, celebrated on different dates internationally, is the annual occasion to show support to the LGBTQ+ community through large parades and celebrations. If the circumstances were different, the streets would already be full of rainbow flags and marches in favour of gender and sexual diversity. Although the pandemic is not as bad as it was in 2020, this year the healthcare  situation is still fragile in most countries and the ways to show our support for Pride still need to be readapted.


This year has been devasting for social affairs, especially for people who identify as part of LGBTQ+ community. During 2020’s strict lockdown and the social distancing rules, which in different measure still apply to this day, many groups that were already vulnerable before the pandemic are even more so today. According to a report by Spain’s National Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB), LGTBI people over 55 suffer three times more depression and anxiety. And, if these numbers were concerning in the world pre-covid, they should be more alarming in the new normal.

Such data represents a reality in our society that we must face so that people with different sexual and gender identities are not discriminated against. We have to understand that generally we are not aware of the difficulties faced by the members of the LGBTQ+ community. We need to be open and listen and let them show us the way to become truly inclusive.

As time passes, we’re moving towards an increasingly equal and inclusive labour market, where different identities are accepted and only merits and qualities matter. However, this doesn’t mean that there are no goals still left to achieve nor that we must stop advocating for the inclusion of this community. As a global recruitment group, from Hays we want to offer a short guide of six principles that can help any business become more open, plural and respectful.

1. Coming out of the closet is a continuous experience, not a unique situation

This first principle is fairly common, especially in the workplace. The ‘closet’ is often referred to as a metaphoric place where once you’re out you never go back. When, in fact, the opposite happens. According to a McKinsey Report, ‘coming out of the closet’ is a situation that the members of the LGBTQ+ community experience on a monthly basis, even weekly and daily depending on each case. Workers find themselves having to correct their colleagues regarding their personal situation or having to reaffirm the assumptions others make about them. This is why replacing expressions such as ‘fathers and mothers’ for ‘families’ or ‘boyfriends or girlfriends’ for ‘couples’ is quite useful and inclusive. It allows anyone to feel included and doesn’t assume anyone’s gender nor identity.

2. Someone’s sexuality or gender identity cannot be a taboo

As mentioned in the LGBT+ ADIM Guide, developed by Spain’s Government, not assuming someone’s sexuality or identity should not be confused with turning the subject into a secret or a taboo. It is very easy to say “I don’t care what anyone does at home.” But following this mindset is very dangerous nowadays, as it makes all non-straight people invisible. There is a middle ground between not assuming and being able to freely share matters about one’s sentimental life. Saying ‘I don’t care’ can impose the Law of Silence, where things are not normalized. We spend a large part of our daily life working, and encouraging people to feel fulfilled and be themselves in the workplace is essential to achieve an inclusive company. You do not have to force or assume, it is simply about creating the right kind of environment.

3. Not all people in the LGBTQ+ community are Gay men

When we speak, for example, about standing up for the ‘Gay community’ or attending ‘Gay Pride’, we are referring only to defending the rights of homosexual men. Lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, transsexuals, etc. should not be invisible. Companies and organizations have to advocate for all the people in the LGBTQ+ community. Each group has different experiences, but they all are related to gender and identity. Including the acronym LGBTQ+ and encouraging others to speak about the issues in each letter is essential; such as the difficulty of recognizing their own gender faced by trans people, or the social invisibility suffered by bisexual people. All letters in LGBTQ+ matter.

4. Discrimination is not always easy to detect

When we think of discrimination in the workplace, the first thing that usually comes to mind are insults, mobbing or even an unfair dismissal. These are very serious and concerning topics, but the discrimination in these cases is obvious, almost undeniable. Then, there’s a large etcetera of scenarios, much more frequent and difficult to solve: jokes, comments, rumors, light mockery… It all starts with setting a good example from above. Make sure leaders and managers are the first to show zero tolerance for jokes that can make someone feel uncomfortable or unfulfilled at work.

5. Language and visibility matter a lot

At this point and after more than 50 years since the Stonewall riots in 1969, it might seem like showing support for the LGBTQ+ community is redundant and unnecessary. But this perception could not be further from the truth. Showing support for the movement both internally and externally and manifesting that a an organization is in full support of anyone’s sexuality and gender often creates a comfort effect among current employees and favours the inclusion of future employees.

Signs of support can’t only be based on changing a company’s logo on social media and putting on a rainbow costume once a year. At Hays we like to reiterate that Pride should be celebrated all year round. Participating in demonstrations and joining campaigns can be part of the plan, but companies need to ensure that managers and directors are just as consistent with diversity values. Including protocols in HR departments or organizing talks and trainings on D&I are some of the first steps to guarantee an equal treatment of all employees.

6. It is no longer enough to be neutral, it is time to take action

In the work environment of 2021, it is no longer just a matter of acknowledging that all workers are equally valid. It is time to show that companies support the LGBTQ+ community and all that this entails. A very useful initiative is to promote the creation of internal committees that are in charge of promoting the acceptance of the different sexual and gender identities, which can be made up of both people from within the community and allies.

At Hays a couple of years ago we created the Hays Pride Network initiative, which brings together the different Pride committees from around the globe. This year, the committee has been materialized in Spain, with real plans and objectives for the upcoming years. Involving employees is essential and we hope to contribute to a greater acceptance, inclusion and diversity in our immediate environment. Understanding that our social system is exclusive by default is the first step on the road to equality. Doors must be opened for those who have been discriminated; this is the only way to achieve real change. We look forward to talking about more social progress in 2022, celebrating Pride as we used to. Until then, we promise to keep moving in the right direction.


Chris Dottie MBE, Managing Director, Hays Spain


A native of Liverpool, Chris joined Hays in 1996, working in the UK and Portugal before arriving in Spain in 2002. He is Managing Director for the Hays group in Spain, with offices located in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao and Seville.

He has a degree in International Business and Modern Languages from Aston University, including a year’s study at l’École Superieur de Sciences Commerciales d’Angers and has since completed Executive Education courses at Ashridge Business School and IMD. He is a regular public commentator on the world of work and international trade.

For the past four years Chris has served as President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain and currently serves as a Non Executive Director on the Board of the British Chambers of Commerce. Chris was awarded an MBE for services to British business on the New Years Honours List in 2020.

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